Read that for a second. Let it sink in for a moment.
OK. Time to reiterate what you have just read.
Mario Kart Wii will not only NOT have voice chat, IT WON'T EVEN HAVE PROPER TEXT CHAT EITHER! You will have to pick from rudimentary sentences such as "Hello" and "Wanna Race" and most likely "Wanna go play Brawl?"
Let me preface my next statement by saying that I am a big fan of my Nintendo Wii. I play it all the time, and it allows me to have lots of quality time around my television with my sister. I stood outside a Gamestop on the black Friday after launch to get one. There were 8 Wii's and I was 7th in line. I am not one to resort to knee-jerk reactions. That being said, this is quite possibly the most absolutely fucking STUPID thing I have ever heard in my life.
It's not the fact that Nintendo seems to lag behind the other consoles in terms of online, I expected that. It's not that Nintendo is obviously picking the safe route in terms of keeping the online experience clean for the kiddies, I expected that also. The thing that really bugs me about this, is that right now I can go into target, buy a headset for my NINTENDO DS, and voice chat with that!!!

How bass ackward do you have to be, to have your HANDHELD system provide a better online experience than the full fledged two hundred and forty-nine dollar CONSOLE!?
If there is one thing Nintendo has proven they are good at, it's taking one large step forward and taking 9 huge cartwheels back.
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