Friday, February 22, 2008


Yo people. demonic_pascal here. Again, welcome to Disk Read Error, the gaming blog with the oddly spelled name. We talk about games, you love us enough so that when we start selling T-shirts, we can quit our jobs. I would just like totake a second to point out that, contrary to what my “cohort” Dauragon said, we are NOT naked....cuz thats just offensive...

So what did Dauragon do in his second paragraph...oh yea...I have been interested in gaming forever, but the parents denied me any gaming goodness of my own until the age of 8. While everyone else wa messing with their PlayStations and their Nintendo 64's, I was already rocking it old school with my Sega Genesis (or Mega Drive to to you crazy Europeans). Sadly, this trend of lagging behind current hardware has continued since then, and the only current gen system I currently have is my DS. So, at least for now, my contributions review-wise will most likely be limited to DS games, or possibly some new PS2 releases.

Until June. As soon as Ninja Gaiden II is released, Xbox 360 will be MINE...

Ahem, yes, my favorite genres of games would be over the top action games like Devil May Cry, God of War, and, of course, Ninja Gaiden. Other genres of interest include 2D fighting games like Street Fighter and Guilty Gear (you know, the REAL fighting games, none of that 3D CRAP. Anyone into those is an idiot...). JRPGs like Dragon Quest, and old school sidescrollers in the vein of Castlevania, Ninja Gaiden, and Contra. Point and click adventure games (thanks a lot Phoenix Wright) are also enjoyable.

I'll also be drawing the weekly webcomic for this site, since comics and animations are just as big a part of my life as gaming is. My limited console setup won't stop me from ranting about pretty much anything in the gaming and tech world that strikes my fancy though (lol @ HD DVD), so you'll be hearing a lot from me.

That pretty much sums it up for now. Welcome to the awesomeness that is Disk Read Error (wow, never thought I'd say that...)

- d to the p

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